Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why can't you understand!??

I know I'm wrong and I admit its my fault.
But I never ever mean to do things like this on purpose.

All you can say is, its not the first time. Do you really think that I just want to purposely make the same mistake again? Do you really even care? All you're worried about is the trouble you have to go through so that I can get back all I lost. For you, I did it on purpose..

This morning,
When I apologized, and said sorry.
Your words, just stabbed me right through the heart.

Don't be sorry! if you're sorry,
you wouldn't have lost it.
You always lose everything.


Do you freaking think that I really want to lose my wallet!??
You're talking as if I don't appreciate what I have. Damn it! I have worked and I have earn money the hard way and 70% of what I earn is what I give you!
Just because I lost it many times before, just because of that one dreadful moment when I was not careful with something, I get a mount fool of words and I'm the villian.

Of yea, the way you ended our conversation with words that I NEVER THOUGHT a mother would ever say. THANK YOU for that TOO!

All I ever asked, is just to be understood! You freaking don't understand me at all! I have been doing this the whole time, just pretending that I am ok.

The one thing I've learned in my 18 years up till this very day is that, you're right. Even when you're wrong, you're right. You are never wrong! and when you are, you will make one thing clear. That no matter what, I have to listen to you.

You know what you should do, lock me in a room. Lock me inside, that way, I won't lose anything and you won't have to worry about going through the trouble of going to pay for what I lost.

But honestly, one thing I assure you..
You're the greatest mom..
You trully are..
No matter what, I still appreciate you..
In the end, I don't care if i'm right or wrong,
As long as you're happy..

And Thank you for everything..

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