Friday, October 2, 2009


This is Isaiah Mikhael Richard..
I think some of you might remember me posting about him earlier on..

But for those who missed out, this little boy happens to be my one of my little nephew.
He is barely 7 months old this month.

Today this little boy will be undergoing an open heart surgery at approximately 9am. It will be a 4-5 hour surgery.

Please do pray over him as he undergoes the surgery, that he will be fine.

I can't sleep well just thinking about this.
I woke up at 3.06am,
just to write this down.

By fact, this little boy might be a no-one to you, but he is a someone to me.

A little prayer, a little hope, and a little faith will be all that i ask for.

Who knows, you're little prayer might just make the boy smile again..

This might sound a little exaggerating,
but honestly, i can't imagine a young boy like him
going for a surgery at his age.
An Open heart surgery..

I heard the worse about him and my heart just shattered. Lets just hope.. that he will be alright..

I'll keep everyone updated about his health once Its done..

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