Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am ok?

The funny thing about life is that it takes another persons life's experience to understand what life actually means. Well, for me at least.

recently, I admit that I have been really upset and bothered by the fact that many people that I'm close with don't understand me and in short don't even give a damn at all. But I guess thats life isn't it. Its always about yourself and not others. :\

I, on the other hand, had my different views. I guess, much of my upset'ness is because people are not like me. But then again, its not their fault. Its mine.

Different people have different preception of life. Not everyone can be like you.

Another thing is when people change..


This is probably the hardest thing.
Its time.

Its funny how time changes a person.
You don't know who they are anymore. Its like they are a complete new person and here you are asking yourself, is this the person that once used to know?

I don't blame time alone for the change, a better theory would to blame myself for it. If I was there to change with you then we could have undergone the change together.

Sadly, i was not there enough.
Its sad when something like this happens. I lost many good friends because of this. But I'm not planning on losing anymore. Enough is enough.

Well, this is something I had to get of my chest. I'm glad to say that it feels good to let it all out.

Again, I would have Mr Adrian, a lecturer who really lectures in the class behind this. His life's experience was, with no doubt, an inspiring one. I'm glad that it came at the right time. I feel much better after he shared his tale.
Its never to late until its too late..

And yes..
I am okay.. :)
thanks for not asking..

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