Monday, October 12, 2009

When you pay attention..

Food Science..

Lecturer speaking on proteins.

Lecturer: Ok students, do you notice the air bubbles in the egg white when you're frying it, that process is called flocculation.
Vivien: Can we use a different example, something else rather than eggs?
Lecturer: No, I don't want to give any other example. For example....
Remon: o.O"

At that very moment, I tried so freaking hard not to choke..
The first thing I did was looking at Aiman's direction, he looked at me.

Then I asked him,

Remon: Did you hear what I just heard?
Aiman: Oh you heard it to?? lol.. I thought no one understands.
Remon: I guess we're the only ones paying attention in the class.

sometimes in the lecturer hall, so many funny thing goes unnotice. That why, people ask to pay attention. Don't sleep half way or talk to other people..

Happy studying y'all. :D

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