Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Housekeeping Presentation..

We had Ms Lay Bee's Housekeeping Practical class today and it was presentation day. We were informed like 3 weeks ago to do a powerpoint presentation but we only did it in what seemed to be half a day before the actual presentation.

Rainbow and Vivien found most of the picture for the presentation the day before, and I asked Navin to help with the animation and background. So I had to just finish up what seemed to be a writers block.

I didn't really know what to do, so I just wrote and edited a few slides in the morning hours of presentation day. Yes, I woke up at 6am to do it.

When I saw the other 2 groups files, it was 7mb and 10mb respectively. Ours was barely 2mb. At that time, it felt like we didn't put too much work and effort on it.

But after the presentation, Vivien said it was good. I don't know if she was saying it to save our *water face, or it was good on its own. But after a while, it felt like we presented what we had to and the other groups just did excessive work.

Personally, I believe powerpoint is just for points. You don't write a paragraphs or stories in powerpoint. Thats exactly what we did. We made it simple and presentable and I think we did a great job.

One point I went blur was when the lecturer called my name for the group.
"Remon, its your groups turn".

I went o.O"


One thing I think we should not repeat is the delaying in assignments.
 I don't want to stay up doing anything anymore..

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