Thursday, November 12, 2009

There's a Death at the Opposite House

There's a Death at the Opposite House..

For those literature geeks,
i'm not talking about what you learn in form 4/5. 

There was a death, a peaceful death, at the opposite house. We (my family) know this people as a relative friends. These people knew us (me+siblings) since we were barely walking.

It was the eldest man of the house, an 85 year old man. He died peaceful at 3pm in the afternoon.

Relative and friends from all over the area came in to join with a prayer. We (my family) attended this prayer. After the prayer, I saw the man, whom once used to walk me by, the man who i saw sitting outside his porch, the same man who went to the shop every Sunday afternoon, sleeping an eternal rest in his white coffin.

Something inside of me urge me to console that women, (the daughter). She was the same age as my mother, and when she looked at me as I came to her, I felt a rush of blood. I almost went into tears. It felt like I had to console my own mom. Initially, I went with a hand out, but i gave a hug instead, a hug I felt was the little I could.

May his soul rest in peace..

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