Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Music Video

The Official Banner for the Taylor's HIV.AIDS Video Music Awards 2009.

Tomorrow is the big day and its a big competition.
Many different groups completing against each other to see who did the best out of the best.

Personally, it made it super interesting to know that Mr Adrian came up with a Ceremony for this deadline.

Alot of people was concern about me because I focused on finishing the video too much that I didn't get enough rest and I neglected most of my important meals. I'm sorry to make you people worry. My intentions was to finish what I started. So, group members, family, baby and grandma.. I'm sorry!

But I'm good and I got sufficient rest and feel more alive than ever. Completing this video was a huge relieve. It almost felt like everything was lifted off my shoulders. It felt like I could finally breathe again.

Dear Group members,

Vivien and Rainbow, you both stayed up all night figuring how to make this video come to reality and you both deserve full credit for that. I just hope my part met your expectations. We all got frustrated in the process, true enough, but that was because we didn't cooperate. We all had ideas of our own and well, it was complexed. Despite all that, we managed to pull of the video.

Wayne Ken, dude, you did your part for the transportation and your scene. I personally thank you for the trouble you had to go through to get your friend to help us out. Thanks!

To the rest of you, thanks for your equipments and your precious time. You made us wait 2 hours so that we can do a 30 second scene of you. Wow, but really, it was better than nothing, at least you we made you do some part of it.

Kennedy, you helped me with the converting and I thank you for that. Not many people will come out just to help me out when I was desperate but you did. Although it wasn't much but it was the thought that made me glad.

Kheng Wai, the sifu editor. From day 1, I knew you were the right person for editing, but unfortunately, SPM being around the corner. But you saved my skin, when you showed me the converter website. It was vital for me during the last minute. So a big thank you dude.

I don't think I'm missing out anyone, If I am, then forgive me. :)

I don't want to go on and talk about how I got the ideas of the video and waste your time, but all I can say it took me 19 hours to convert and edit everything. You do the math. I'm just glad its done. At least I can see half the people smilling now that assignments are all over (except thinking skills).

I don't expect an award because there might be better videos than ours, still it would be a big honour to get something. :)

I will definitely upload the whole video on YouTube on Friday, for all to see. :)

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