Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lion Dance

Well, this particular dance is well known among the Chinese people. As well as other religions if they actually give a damn, its the Lion Dance! ^^

Well, For those of you who don't know here's a little of what Lion Dance is all about.

This typical dance is a Chinese traditional, in which the well trained people inside the costume would mimic the Lion's movements. This movements are well planned which involves acrobatic stunts as well as some dangerous stunts. If I'm not mistaken, The northern type of dance are usually for entertainment whereas the southern part of it is more symbolic.

For those people who still blur blur, The southern dance are the common ones you see in shop lots, schools and in small occasions. Nothern dance are far too imperior for your cheap eyes. Hahaha, just kidding!

One more thing about the Southern Dance is that it castes away evil spirits and brings in the good luck and fortune. Both this dances are usually confronted when Chinese New Year is celebrated.

Don't mix up the Dragon Dance and the Lion Dance. Both are totally different. The Dragon dance involve about 8-12 people unlike the Lion Dance which only involves a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 3 people.

The preformers could also be related to Kung Fu as their moves are a vital part of the movement of the Lion. If you carefully observe, the Lion Dance looks very Kung Fu'ey don't you agree??

Well, I've observe quite a few dances in my time. But significantly, this year during Chinese New Year, was trully the best time to see the Lion Dance. No it wasn't anything about the Lion or the Dance. It was more than that.. Much much more...


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