Thursday, September 25, 2008

10 True Facts About School.

Yeah, talk about school, only 1 thing that comes out in your mind. Boring!

10 True Facts about school.

1. The first word you'll say once you heard a news that your teacher has a meeting is YES!!!

2. The lazier the teacher, the better they are...^^

3. You will always curse (at least 1 time) at teachers who love to mumble aka Syok Sendiri.

4. The moment you got up from your bed for school is the worst moment in your life! Worst than the moment you're having diarrhea.

5. Students were asked to greet the teachers everytime when they meet them. 65% of the teachers will just walk away(palau) like that without replying you.

6. There are no such thing as CLEAN SCHOOL TOILET. (except for those international schools or schools which hired professional toilet cleaner.

7. During lessons, students hate to write the date & day.

8. Students' favourite line when constructing a sentence "That stupid teacher..."

9. The most boring subject always has the most boring teacher.

10. Students do not have the joy when 'pee-ing' since the toilet are always demolished.

Well, if you have anymore facts, post it in 'testimonial'.


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