Thursday, September 11, 2008

9-11 (September)

Well, another year has come and pass since the catastrophic bombing of the World Trade Centre in the Us.

Everytime these date comes, its always something happening. Probably a hoax and sometimes real. Well, years back I remember they said that there was a bomb in KLCC and everyone was ask to evacuate the building and later found out it was a sick joke. Imagine what would happen if the KLCC actually fall apart.

Questions I would wonder.

1) If the KLCC was a target, which would be the primary target? The Left tower, the Right tower, or the Sky Brigde?

2) If the KLCC actually collapsed, would it reach my house?

3) Would the next day be a public holiday?

4) What will the replace the KLCC with?

5) Does this means that celebrities from all around the world would come to Malaysia to perform a tribute?

6) Who are the most influenced Perpetrators to do such a thing?

7) What is the most alternative move for the PM to do?

8) Since we are a multi-racial country, what excuse would the perpetrators have to disturb the peace of NegaraKu?

Well, its not like i'm hoping for the 9/11 to happen in Malaysia, i would be a immigrant who hates multiracial cultures to say so. Just that these things crossed my mind for the past years since the Bombing in 2001.

I pray for peace and harmony in this country.

Malaysia Bolehh!

1 people cares:

OhMyGuts! said...

My answer for

2) If the KLCC actually collapsed, would it reach my house?

would be 'no'.

KLCC won't fall down like a tree, lol ^^