Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The New Science Labs

Well, months ago (or probably since the start of school 22 years ago), we have been using the same old boring tables in our science lab. Well, theres nothing much actually.

The fascinating thing about these tables is that there are "Legendary Signatures" from those Pre-Age students who sat on the same tables years and years ago.

Well, I managed to take pictures of these tables when Pn Mariam told us its the last time we're gonna see it like that, cause the next time we see it, it would be a better one.

Well, good bye old legendary tables and...


Not only the tables are new, but the whole classroom looks better and greater. In this type of environment, we shouldn't have a problem studying.

Last time out, we could easily fall asleep. Hahaha..

Our batch are the fortunate ones to be the first batch to sit on this New and Upgraded Laboratory. Its actually very spacious, clean and most importantly has a certain "aura" that keeps us alive during lessons.

Lets hope the same thing happens during Physics Classes, since most of us tend to fall asleep easily during that time.

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