Monday, October 6, 2008

Kuddos for Smarties!

Look what I got!!

Hahaha.. My Smarties!!! I've been waiting for it since forgot when! Well, I thought the day would only come after SPM for me to taste one, ( I was planning to get one whole stack and eat it by myself) but fortunately for me, Sarah was soooo generous enough to gimme one!

The new medium small box of smarties sitting vertically.

When it stands horizontally.

What can I say? I have this "thing" for Smarties. No one could understand that.

The first colour of the box when I opened it at home was PINK!!!???

All those irresistable, colourful chocolates.. Slowly going inside my mouth... Yaaaammmmmmyy! haha..

I ate almost everything till the last 3 chocs and guess what colour it was??



This Smarties looks like the beans from the story of the Giant, Jack and the Beanstalk! But obviously the smarties went into my tummy!

Once again Kuddos to you Sarah for the Smarties!!

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