Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Looi!!

Looi celebrates his 18th birthday today, and not many know about this funny guy.

Looi, was my classmate back in the day and alot of people say that he looks weird and is a poser.

Well, for your information, Looi is not a poser, and he does not look weird.
Looi is a perfectly normal human being (i think), and makes people very happy.

Let me prove this.

Looi, has always been an "entertainer" that make people laugh their brains out. Sometimes, it not him who is joking, but rather the other who uses him as a joke. But either way, we never fail to smile every time he passes by the walk way.

Looi Kah Thong, No! I'm not talking about you!

Please don't be mistaken.. I'm not talking about this Looi. But his elder brother, Looi Kah Shien.

We can never forget his "ayat power" that brings the rain : The Weather is Glorious!!
This are some shots of Looi,

That photo was edited by OhMyGuts.

Looi leading the gang with the roti.

Looi taking a break from Add Maths class. Cannot tahan that Mr Alexay Saxay.

Posing mauts.

Look at this strong Looi, carrying 3 tables!! Wow!

Well, just like the late-Michael Jackson, Looi wasn't all that perfect. He also had his scandalous affair. There were tabloids showing Looi was involve in a relationship.

Neither way, Looi has always done his part in making other people happy. He also got a nickname from alot and again.. ALOT of people during his time in school.

13 nicknames to be exact.

Yes Looi, the weather is glorious..

No matter what, Looi remains the Bomoh Ramalan Cuaca.

Happy 18th birthday Looi Kah Shien.
May it always be a glorious day for you! :)

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