Saturday, September 19, 2009


God is good and God is great..
I know that the almighty Man up there has plans for us..

I have a nephew, Isaiah, who is barely even 6 months old..
The little boy will be going for an open heart surgery in early October..

I got the news from my dad.. and as much as i try to take it in.. I can't..
Just imagining a boy.. a baby.. of his tender age.. going for a surgery..

deep inside..
it really makes you want to cry..

i didn't had the appertite to eat anything..

I'm sorry to break your Raya spirits friends..
but please.. please keep him in your prayers..

its not much.. but it is means alot to the family.. means alot to me..

I will let the all of you know of his progress after everything is done..
By God's grace, bless you..

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