Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dory Burst Already!!!

13th June, Saturday, Football Morning.

All this while we were just training our fitness, free kicks and stamina. Well, that was till last Saturday, we finally played a match!

There was just enough players from each side. Eko returned from NS and brought Arief and Ruslan along with some other younger players with them.

We had Loh, Hafiz, Ku, Aman and Danyal with us. So it was a good enough team la.
Oh yea, Calvin and Kok Khuen too.

We all syok syok play la.

Half time, Uncle came already.

Calvin send me to go their team and Uncle played for his team.

All was okok.

Then came that moment, Uncle blast the ball so far and high.
When the ball landed, It landed on the sharp grill of the housing fences.

Gone just like that.
Rm69 fly away..

Well, it is football. What has to happen will happen.
Now the guys and I will go scouting for a new football.
Maybe a green one. Or Orange one.

Oh yea, this is the man of the match with the ball.

Suleyman a.k.a. wherethepartypeopleat?

Another posing maut.

Thanks for the game guys!

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