Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Journey of High School.


It all started during the primary school days..

Ahh yes.. The kejar-kejar days..

Those were the times of Pokemon, Thundercats, Transformers, Power Rangers and Bey Blade.

I still remember the time when Linkin Park released their Meteora album, and I was the proud owner of one. Bringing it to school and making the rest of my friends begging me to borrow it.

Well, primary school was also the day to remember for the nuisances and troublemaking. But enough of that, lets go on..


When it was time for Secondary School, I seperated from the whole Desa Pandans' Jason and the Gang. Along with Mhthes and Loh, I joined SMK Taman Maluri.

My first impression towards this school wasn't pretty good. I noticed that the canteen was pretty messy but one good thing is that they had a variety of food back then. I remembered Roti Canai's, Ice Blended, Hot Burgers and plenty other good food. The students were divided according to their results and i entered class 1D. Well, initially, I named this "Zaman Kegelapan"

All I can remember here was football, football and more football!


Well, I didn't really got close with alot of people at first. It wasn't a good start for me. I hated Secondary High. That was until I went to 2B class room. woo hoo~

This was the moment my whole life changed. (Sounds pretty exaggerating but you'll soon know why)

I was among the smart and 'not entirely' retarted students of the form 2. Here is also where I was given my first appointing of my 'Monitor' position. I don't know what Miss Ruzana saw in me but, as far as I know, i was pretty messed up. haha..

Here is where i got to know a few friends, Mun Hong, Choon Liong and Sin Ken. (*Just so you know, Sin Ken was still a pervert back then). Then it was time I got to know the All Stars, or the Smarties of our batch, 2A. I initially knew them through football. Now, everytime during Moral classes, we would combine. So it was a great opportunity to get to know them better.

Kar Fei was the first one I knew, then Calvin. These two were the main people back then la. I also noticed that the Korean, Ma was there. Ma Il Hyok was really close with me. He was a funny guy and i enjoyed being around him, to make him laugh and have fun. I always remember telling the teacher that he used the calculator to score in his exams and it was not fair. I found it pretty amusing that Ma was there. We got pretty much close with each other. Ma was born on the 1 day after I was born, but also, he was born one year before I was. hahaha.

So, I got pretty close with most of the chinese and since then, I've became a disgrace to Indians. (=.=)"

Well, I noticed Nazim also. Oh ya, I will never forgive you man. Among all the introduction, i will never forget yours. You monkey! Well back then, we were not so close but thats our start ma.

Miss Ruzana also gave Nazim, Calvin and Me the opportunity to become Koperasi members. Back then, the standards were good la. They pick, and we would be pretty glad to become a member. It was a privilage and it wasn't easy to be chosen. Tapi nowdays ah.. No need say la, Haihz.. where did all the good days go..

Anyways, I began playing football with the new people i made friends with. It was pretty cool actually. So we all worked damn hard and later on, became a good team.

Oh ya, one time during Form 2 can't forget. I was too naughty. I remember bullying Looi to the max. I dropped a 100 plus bottle filled with water on Looi's #$%& when he was resting in the class and two rambutans dropped from his bag when he got up and screamed in pain. Cheo Thai laughed so hard saying "his balls came off".

Besides that, I remembered when I put a cat at his shoulder from behind. But the funny thing was that Looi didn't actually realised it until about 10 seconds. Then Looi spined to get the cat off, but the kitty was holding on soo tight that it look like a superman (weeeeeeeeeee~!) That was a really fun moment. Oh ya, he chased me around the whole school.

In the class, well, Mun Hong, Sin Ken and Choon Liong were the only ones i frequently talk to. The 4 of us would be racing to see who got highest in specific subjects like Science, Sejarah and English. Good buddies la. There was also Oscar Saw and Alan Tan back then but they were not so close with us.

I remembered when we did not finish our homework, when the teacher will be going around the class one by one, the ones who did not finish the homework will not sit at their place instead, would pretend to visit someones table and ask them question. hahahhaa.. damn funny.

One moment that made me pretty popular was when I threw white paste on Aziz pants. Everyone was laughing their asses off. Even i Laughed damn freaking loud! AZIZ didn't even knew! hahahaa. Everyone in Form 2 knew about it. It was darn funny. Well, Aziz was public enemy number 1 back then. I was a one man rebel.

Hmmm, if there was one more, I guess it was during exams. It was English exams and I told Miss Ruzana that I have to go pass up the pink form (*The Pink Form was for the monitors to hold and pass up by the end of the school to the principal). So i went out, and called Calvin and Loh, (two other monitors) and together we went out to pass up the form. On the way back, I asked Calvin about a question i was not sure off. I asked him what did he answer. I remember he answered me "Furtile". I went back to the class and Miss Ruzana got pretty suspicious, Cause we were all so late. Tapi that time, we too smart and licik. haha. I went to my paper and corrected my answer.

oh ya!

There was one period of time when, Ivan (class monitor of 4A) and Arinah (class monitor of 4B) came and scold Calvin and I. It was because we did not take care of the cleanliness of the class and because of some merdeka thingy. haha.. Well, that was my first encounter with Arinah i guess. For Calvin, he was damn pissed la. hahahaha.. (Cal, it was me who destroyed the pictures and articles at the back of the board), it was because i was chasing someone and my hand suddenly tarik the whole thing.. but no one was there to see.. hahahaha..

Oh ya, This was probably the first introduction of my Seniors back then, Kak Farihah. We had the chat book back then. I dunno what happened to it. But funny thing was I never really saw her or really knew who she was until form 3.

My mission now was to get into form 3A which i did thanks to Miss Ruzana! thanks teach!


This, I call "Zaman Keemasan"

Reason behind it,


I became so close with Calvin and Nazim and for that we were nicknamed M.I.C. (Melayu, India, Cina). But for some blady reason, that Calvin keep saying M.LL.C (Melayu, Lain-Lain, Cina).

Well, first day of school in form 3. I remembered, they elected me as Monitor, and Nazim as assistant and Calvin as Treasurer. Calvin was actually suppose to be the monitor, but he somehow convinced the chinese people to pick me instead. (=.=)"

I still dunno how you did that.



As you all know, Pn Jayas' sometimes goes screeching or better known as HIGH PITCHING. There was one time when She was talking with that pitch. Kar Fei and I couldn't take it. We started immitating her voice. Suddenly that Fei go scream loud, "Shiw Wei" with that Pn Jayas' voice. Pn Jaya was so darn pissed off, she screamed "Who the hell is emmitating my voice?" HAHA.. I CAN NEVER FORGET THAT MOMENT. So can't the rest of them who were there.

Form 3 was fun for the fact that everyone was in the same class. I mean, the gang of course. We had Nazim, Calvin, Kar Fei, Mun Hong, and the rest of them all in one class. That was something really great la.

Form 3 was the fun time for all of us I guess. Except the fact that Kar Fei had started to work with his dad. So it was slowly falling apart but it didn't la, we managed to talk things out and still had time for each other. This time of the year, I remember spending at least 1 hour talking on the phone with him. Wow i had a record streak with him. I used to call him and keep talking to him and I didn't even use the word boring when I was with him. It was as if we didn't even felt bored to listen to each other conversing.

Form 3 also famous for me finally meeting my seniors. I know this bossy person Arinah through the school magazine crew. I also finally met Kak Farihah there, along with some other strange people. haha

Well, since then, I got pretty close to both of them i guess. I still remembered the time me and Kak Farihah had our first long conversation, i was asking her to check with my English Oral Test. But i didn't know she was really friendly until the day I saw her and actually talked to her. From there, i was hoping that i could become closer friends with her as well as her best friend, Gan Sim Yee and of coz the boss, Arinah.

Well, this year, i performed for the first time on stage for the departure of En Jamal. I rapped I'll be Missing You to him. Eh you know something or not?? I got good comments about it you know. I was really happy about it! Alot of teachers were starting to recognize me. I didn't ask to be popular or wad. Anyways, it was great la. I wasn't afraid at all. I was soo focused on En Jamal and no one else.

Oh ya, the gang and I would always stay back after school for football and basketball. We were so hyper active back then. If not football or badminton, we would drop by Calvin's place to play Ping Pong.

Hahahaha, speaking of ping pong, we would never forget when Looi headbutt himself on the floor during ping pong. hahhaha.. and Kar Fei released an atomic bomb in the room and everyone ran away!! hahahhaa..

Well, Calvin, Nazim and I were great friends la. Usually we'll either hang out together during our free time and stuff like that. Nazim was the one who thought me how to play the guitar. I remembered the first song he thought me "Operator the Line is Dead". Thanks man!

Oh ya Oh ya, usually then its Form 3, it has to be all about the Koperasi! hahaha. With the koperasi is where we met the crazy juniors!. hahaha. I'm talking about Kheng Wai, Isfahan, Ku Wei Xiong and Mogan. I always keep telling them "You people are so creative, but you use it in the wrong way". hahaha. Honestly, they were one butch of crazy, funny and intelligent juniors.

haihz.. Valentines Day (Calvin! your favorite incident!). hahaha..
This day was the first day of my life that something happened to me, that i will never forget! hahaha. You can ask Calvin and he will tell you the exact place, exact time, exact date of where, when and what happened.

It was a normal day in the noisey class when En Saad suddenly came up stairs and called Umar out of the class. We were so curious what was happening. So among the busy-bodies were Kar Fei, Kok Khuen and Me = the three of us sneak to the window to see what was about to happen. Suddenly, Saad cained Umars backside and I accidently scream "wooohooOhoohoo~" hahahah. Then we ran back to our sits. Saad came in the class, pointed at Kar Fei, Kok Khuen and Me and said "You, You and You, keluar sekarang!" Die! hahaha. So basically, Saad cained the 3 of us and told us 3, "Don't be busy-bodies". Then the 3 of us, with the muka tak tahu malu, entered the class. Before Saad left, he said his ayat power, "Ingat la pelajar, Sayangi la buntut anda, sebelum buntut anda disayangi".

hahaha.. funny funny moments.

Well, Form 3, I spend almost all my time with people like Nazim, Kar Fei and Calvin during this time and If it wasn't them. It would be Kak Farihah and Sim Yee. Hmmm.. Yea, Kak Farihah turned out to be a great pal! hahaha, well, we got to know each other better and, to our surprise, we found out that we had particular similarities back then. We drawn each other closer and started calling each other cousins! haha.

Towards the end of Form 3 was actually the saddest part of this golden era. Ma Il Hyok was leaving Malaysia to North Korea. See, in form 3 he was not with us, he went to College! wtf hahaha.. Well, yea. So Miss Ruzana and I were the 2 to go to the airport that night to send him off. Well, it was pretty much a sad moment la. I think Miss Ruzana saw me crying. hahaha. I gave him a big hug before he left to the departing hall and I remembered his last words "Don't change your phone number, don't change your email address, always be happy and don't forget me!" Those words.. triggered a rush of beegeebees all over. It was sad to see him go, and knowing that i might not see him ever again. But i pray one day i will see him again. I'll never forget you Ma! Always remember you!

I gave him my favorite number 9, orange, v. Nistelrooy jersey. I loved it sooo sooo much, and I know that he would always cherish it as how i cherished it. Bye Ma~..

Well, Form 3 was great la too great.. soo many memorable moments as mentioned and so many i wan to keep to myself.. And right after PMR, we went into the bigger part of school. Secondary High!


Well Form 4 started off pretty badly la. I was dropped to 4B from 3A. Well, i wasn't really pleased with the decision and i from there i promised i'll do whatever it takes to get back up there.

Form 4, i didn't have much to talk about la. For me personally, it was pretty much a rough-tough time back then.

Calvin had to leave to ASiS. I didn't really like the fact that he was gonna go. I know I was really gonna miss him. The both of us were so close, I just can't stand the thought of watching my friend go to a different school. I treated my friends like they meant everything thing to me in the world. It was pretty much a hard time. But, it was for his own good. He was going to a place he can really study with the top guns and keep it real. The best thing for me to do was support him and not let my personal feelings take over.

Another departure from SMK Taman Maluri was the teacher who brought us all together, Miss Ruzana. Miss Ruzana is first and foremost our teacher. After that baru, friend. Well, I would have to say that if it wasn't for her, I don't think i'll be as close as I am with Naz and Calvin. So I would give her the recognition that she deserves. I would regard her as a great adviser and a nice person to talk to. I only knew that she was going to leave when i was in Mines Resort with Naz. I immediatly tried to contact Calvin and with Nazim we 3, had to be there on her last day in school. So we stayed back and just talked in the koperasi. Well, thanks again teacher for everything! If there was an award for best teacher ever, you would recieve it personally from the 3 of us! Thats how much you mean to us.

Well, too much of sad things going around. But i still had my great buddies like Naz and Loh to keep me going.

Cross-country race was so exciting this year. I got 3rd out of the hundreds that joined in. I was happy with myself as I made a personal achivement. I remember Cik Zurina asking me to sell ice cream instead of running. She told me that you will take more than 1 hours to finish the race. hahahaha. I told her that I only needed 30 minutes to finish the run and well, I did it in 28 minutes!! hahaha.. that expression on her face was too funny. She was like "what re you doing here so early?" hahaha..

One of the highlights of our entire life would be among the representative for the 50th Monster Merdeka Performance. Liana, Aliff, Hawa and I were chosen to lead the performance. We were involved almost 1 1/2 months. Well, we had a great time. For me personally, it was great that I enjoyed spending time at night with my friends. It was like, something i would wish for to happen and it did! Well, what made me more happier was the fact Calvin and Kak Farihah took the time to watch us in the stadium. Thanks again!

Well, after the Merdeka break, I went to Langkawi! hahaha..
It was my first time there. I was soo excited. The 8 hour bus trip and the 1 hour Ferry trip. Happy la! hahaha. Well, it wasn't all that sight-seeing trip. It was an adventure camp. Alot of Jungle trekking, Mountain climbing, Kayaking and stuff like that. With me was the loud mouth Melvin, and her friend Jana. Alex Bubu and Mun Hong was almost the other 2 that joined us. It was a great time out. It was fun fun fun! hahaha.

Form 4 was also the time I got to know, The One! ahhaha.. Mr Alexay Saxay! hahahaha..
Mr Alex was regarded to many as the best teacher in the school. Well, now I know why. Its not only about his teaching skills, but the way he communicates with the students. Its really fun to have a teacher like that. You can share all sorts of things regarding other teachers and he will not tell it to them instead he also will give his rants and laugh. Hahaha..

Well, I wouldn't say that Form 4 was entirely bad la. Where theres' bad, theres good too! Its just that when someone close to you suddenly had to go, that feeling. Pain.. haihz. But the good thing is that we will still keep seeing each other, just that It won't be the same as the last time. Well, somethings better than nothing.

Form 4 was done with and now!



Form 5, started off the worst of them all! hahaha.
I was under the bad influence of vulgaring and swearing. hahaha.

But, I somehow convinence the class teacher Pn Jaya to let me enter the 5A class and well, she had no arguments. I am, offically back to 5A.

In the classroom, there were many funny things happening la. Sometimes our class will become a bunch of jackoons and sometimes we would all be studying quietly.

We had a new principal, Pn Zainab binti something whatever anything. She was really pissing me off. hahaha.. Well, kononnye Class 5A was her "kelas angkat" as in - anak angkat, well try to get the point. So we all had to pass all our subjects. Babi almost all of them at least had fail and she was furious. I remember her saying words that i can't understand. It was like she was mumbling like Eminem and Donald Duck put together.

Well, Nothing much was going on to explain in form 5.

Just that, it was study, study, study and homework.

Oh ya! Looi! hahahahha.. That kungfu bapok did something damn freaking funny. I remember teacher called Looi, Myself and Mun Hong to come out and write the persoalan for the komsas. So Looi was first and I was second in line. Blady that Looi, after he finish, he suddenly threw the pen up, like he was in a kungfu movie, and the pen hit the ceiling fan and broke and all the ink spreaded at the area. All thought I did it! hahaha.. Damn Looi, that Cik Noorhayati became the victim and her tudung was in black spots. hahaha.

Well, there were soo many funny incidents that happened in school. But minor things and not things thats worth explaining.

It was the SPM year, and we were all studying like there was no tomorrow.
You know something, when we are in form 4 or starting the year in form 5, we would say that we are not ready for this SPM but, one week before the examination, we won't feel that worry anymore. Its like, were ready for what was about to come.

School year is the best years of our lifes and with no doubt it is true.
I've done my part in schooling and so has the other Sheep batches. Now its up to you juniors to actually enjoy your school life in many possible ways that you can. Don't get carried away when you're enjoying, remember its not a holiday or relaxing time during Form 4. If you actually studied really well in Form 4, Form 5 shouldn't be a big problem. For the Form 5, you gotta remember that your priorites are studies, but, don't be too serious, try to have fun as much as you can as well. Its gonna be your last year in school.

Well, as the saying goes, "Too much studies and no plays makes Jack the dull boy"

I had fun in school and I will always cherish it with my friends. I'm gonna miss school so much. Thanks to everyone of you for making it the best schooling experience of my life.

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