Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Anything.. or Whatever..

When you offer a drink to a friend, and put a question like such:

"What drink would you like to have?"
You would come across answers like, Anything la, something, or even whatever.

Well, heres' a solution when it you ask for a drink and a friend replies:

Well, now you can offer them this!


in a similar situation, when your friend replies:
"WHATEVER"! (i hate this word)

Give this to them!


Well, you can find this drinks anywhere and its actually a cool drink.
Its nice for one thing. Its random.

Like for instance, ANYTHING contains any random Carbonated drink, which could either be Lemonade, Cola, Frizz, Rootbeer or Orangade.

For WHATEVER, you will have plain drinks like Grape juice, Apple Juice, Orange juice or anything Non-Carbonated.
Very cool.

Thumbs up! hahaha..
well, the drink I got was Grape Juice and Cola. haihz. I hate cola. sorry that i had to threw it away drinking 1/4 of it.
To Kheng Wai!
I blogged faster then you! SUCKA~!

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