Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well.. personally Fridays are full of stories for me.. What can I say.. Friday is my day i guess..

Today, Sarah asked me about something that was related to the past.. Something related with my relationships with my ex-seniors..
I was basically telling her all I could think of during that moment.. But i didn't got to actually finish it and got lost in certain moments..

I walked home knocking my head against the wall trying to recall those past glory moments.. And Yes! There it was..

Back in the 'glory' days as I like to call it, durin' the times of Ma Il Hyok, Cik Ruzana, Calvin... Life was as beautiful as the sunrise and the sunset.. Life was special.. Full of drama and excitement..
But I specifically called it special because of the people who I met, who I got to know, people who brought a certain meaning into my life, My ex-seniors..

To be more specific..

My most fortunate batch of seniors includes the likes of Kak Farihah, Sim Yee, Kak Arinah, and Ivan..

Till the very present day, I actually thank God that they keep in touch with me as I keep in touch with them..
But, it wasn't like how it use to back when I was in form 3..

They macam don't actually message you often like they do, they don't check out on you like the use to, they don't speak about you or even mention your names like how they use to, they are basically back to unknowns we didn't even got to meet..

See.. People intend to grow up and start to forget about what happened years and years ago.. I'm not blamming them for that though.. Personally, I understand that times change and its like time to move on with our own lifes kinda philosophy..
This is called Maturing..

For me.. I understand this cause i've been through a very very short spell of this maturing times.. (Yea, back when I was in Fridays), you didn't actually thought about the people that you use to hang out with but instead, you focus more into the people that you are with at that moment.. But Hey! I was a Part time student so this thing only had a little effect on me and on my friends.. (Don't worry guys! I'm Still the same Remon.. That is if you want me to be the same)

Back to the story,

You see, its not only a big problem for all you Seniors la.. But take sometime out.. Try thinking again about your Juniors..

How much of a big help you once were to them..
How big of a inspiration you were once to them..

Times when they needed someone and you were always there beside them..

To hear what they had to say..
To walk with them and talk about something..
To be with them when they needed you the most..
To advise them when they really needed some..

When you come to think of it..
Probably the first thing that strucks your mind is "Those times are far from over.. We can't do a thing about it"
Maybe you're right..

But take this second to think back.. ask yourself..

1)"Do they actually still remember me?"

OF COURSE THEY DO!, How can they forget such a great person??

Another questions comes to mind..

2)"Do they actually want to speak to me after a long time?"


But again you ask yourself..

3)"Then how come they don't keep in touch like they use to?"

BECAUSE they think that you don't want to be disturb! They expect you to make the first move!, You know why?, because they respect the fact that you are busy with things and don't want to interrupt you.. The respect the fact that someone like you has important things to do..

Thats when it comes to your sense

4)"Oh! This explains the sms that i receieve once in every blue moon"

That very sms that you recieve once in a while is called a "Chance/Peluang" to actually talk to you.. Only you don't realise that..

Alot of them actually don't want to say this out loud.. cause they still have the sense of respect towards their ex-seniors priorities..
And I'm also not saying I'm the Villian trying to get you seniors to do something about it..

I'm a person who is not shy to speak his mind.. However, I respect others decision as well..
if you wanted me to shut up in certain matters.. My lips would be sealed..


This message is not especially to my Ex-Seniors..


This is to everyone..


that somewhere, without you realising, you're an inspiration to someone..
Don't ever let them down by doing things like this ok?

Thank you very much and come again..

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