Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mind Games..

When I thought about it again, my actions was nothing but a mere call for attention. I realised that silence was an energy waiting to burst out. Crying that night was a relieve, somehow, It felt that I knew where to go on from there.

Depending on something to happen is a mistake.
Expecting for something to happen is a bigger mistake.

My mistake was that I had too much in my mind.
and Guess what happened??

My enemy struck me at the perfect time. He knew that I was broken inside. He came to make it worse. He threw me against the wall and tortured my emotions. He made me feel that the world is a cold, dark place. I had no one to go to, no where to run. I had to face it every night since.

The Enemy - My Mind.

See, the mind is a powerful thing. Don't be a victim of its conspiracy. It will strike you when you're at your weakess.

B faced the same thing. It took an other to remind me that "my life is what I want it to be".
I'm not going to let what my mind say

to bring me down,

to shut me up,
to make me feel isolated
to hurt me.

I'm going to stand tall against all odds, against my world and yours!

There is always going to be heartache and pain..
But when its over you'll breathe again..

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