Saturday, March 14, 2009

Eldest Heart..

I was at the bus stop waiting for the U32 bus today around the afternoon hours.
Probably waiting for 10-15 minutes.

Suddenly, this chinese lady in her 50's-60's came up to me.

She held 2 of her tickets (one tempatan, and another utama) and said "Boy, take this, i'm not gonna use it anymore. You might as well take it".

I replied to her, "God bless you aunty, thank you very much"
As I watched her walked away, I smiled to myself.

For a moment, i felt wow..
not only did i save RM2, but for the fact that people like this still exist made me feel happy.

How wonderful people can be..

1 people cares:

Nadine said...

yup the lady is wonderful