Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I woke up today afternoon at 12pm.

Mogane smsed me earlier in the morning around 5.54am like that.

He wrote;

happy good friday :-p



Mogane for your info, and to the others too, theres no need to be a Happy Good Friday.
Theres nothing happy about someone dying in the cross, besides the fact that he did it to save us.

(Err, this is about my faith, so just be open ya?)

2 days to easter..

2 people cares:

NADINE said...

In some ways i believe it is good that we do celebrate Good Friday.

Just look at it this way if Jesus dint die for us, we are pretty much doomed. We are not celebrating his death but us being able to live.

Remon said...

yea nadine i know..

What you said is the same thing as i did..

Just that you used extra powerful english and elaborated what i said.

I was saying that Happy Good Friday is not a way to wish some one when that day comes. sissh! hahaha..

Besides i didn't say anything about it being bad to celebrate a good friday..