Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hari Gemilang

For some stupid reason, it is called Hari Gemilang. Its the combination of Hari Koperasi, Hari Akademik and Hari Kokurikulum. It was a troublesome idea for some teachers who would have to be extra hyper to get things going. Another "brilliant" move by our pengetua. Well, as usual, I'm the camera man of the event and i did take some pictures around. But I minimized it to a few. The ones I find interesting i put.

This is Hafiz in his baju Melayu. One thing that i have to say about this picture is that he is finally looking really handsome and polite. Usually he will be like the rugged hair do, the middle finger, the rocker tongue, pose. Finally a picture of him being decent. Later on he and his kumpulan Nashid performed.

Oh, this is the GG (Girl Gang or Gedik Gang). Well, its funny that Afiq suddenly put out his finger to put give Hanan the horn pose. haha. Liana'A, Hanan, Afiq, Syuhada, Najihah from left to right.

This is the imperior gang la. All also with the power power award. I didn't like the fact that all of them except Kai Tjun show a serious face. Macam soo not them. Infront of the camera nak pose lebih lebih cover macho. Especially Faiz. But its ok la. Lucky I was able to capture Kai Tjun and Nazim (barely) looking at me.

Well, these are the recipient of the power power award with Nazim topping it all of with the Mutiara Award for best student. Congratz!!

Oh yea, this is your beloved camera man with the 2 lovely ladies. Anita made a surprise appearance and i was kinda shocked to see her. Hahaha.. Happy la but shocked. Farhana was there too but I wasn't that surprise to see her like I did with Anita.

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