Monday, May 26, 2008

Wisdom Tooth or just a pain in the "toot"

Yea.. its been going on and on and on! It really hurts!

I got up one morning realising theres a tiny tooth growing on the back of my other teeths. It was popping out from the gums. yea try imagining it. It really hurts and i have no idea why did it had to happen at a time like this. Dah la its holidays, time to relax and get all sorts of problems away from me for a while then this thing pulak.

Its been quite a disturbing few days due to that instant and continuous pain on the left part of my jaw. I almost feel like just tearing it out. But hey, i gotta be patience so i try so much not to talk and move my mouth.

The only time i feel better is only after i awake from my sleep. The pain keeps occuring during the times i try eating, talking, and well it just hurts so bad la. I'm not whinnning about a stupid ache on the back of my teeth but seriously it does so badly hurts.

Well, i decided to tell my mom about having a painful toothache and for some reason i was told to guggle with salt and put that spice thingy on my tooth there.

But obviously it was only temporary so i couldn't really feel the pain but placing that spice thing on my tooth every single day, wasseh my mouth later damn bitter.

One more thing i keep hearing from my family members is that i'm growing a wisdom tooth, something that only occurs during thre age of 21 or so.. Hmmmm.. what does this means?? hmmmm... Well for one thing i know, it really hurts and i cant enjoy my meals, and i can't even talk properly now.

Dah la i keep mumbling everytime, now things gets even worse.

I just hope this toothache gets better sooner.

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