Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bon Voyage Fazeeq~

Today I recieved an SMS from Fazeeq, the saiko junior of mine. The HipHop dude. haha (Oh ya, I have a phone now)

He wrote saying he is leaving to Mekah, and Madinah (The Muslims Holy Land). Well, i called him the minute i got it.

It was true he was leaving for Mekah. I had nothing to say to him, except a bon voyage, and hope he would have a safe journey. Although Fazeeq isn't really the favourite among many, I still admire him for his.. well.. for him. He is the "Genuine" type of person who isn't afraid to speak his mind. Unfortunately he has been under the wrong influence and i have sympathy on him.

What disturbs me is that when I asked him, when will he return from the trip, he replied, i don't think i'm gonna return. I was like.. blurred.. (=.=") I asked him why? like everyone else would and he told me it was something personal. He had a vision or somesort. I was getting worried for some reason. Then he asked me to ask Sarah, i'll understand then.

I was like.. Hmmmm.. ok.. And I wished him the best for his trip. I hope he will arrive safely and be safe there.
Hope he enjoys life there too.

Hahaha.. Sorry man.. I only have 3 picture that includes you. And this is one of them. The one on the left in the blue shirt is the man i'm talking about (Fazeeq).
Take Care Fazeeq..
I'll miss you man..

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